Stress under control

Stress destroys health

Stress is very dangerous, as over time it becomes a self-driving phenomenon. Emotions accumulated for a long time weaken concentration, impair memory, disturb the sleep and cause irritability. This condition prevents proper daily activities and causes additional negative mental tension.

Stress can be defined as a physical, social or psychological factor, or a combination of these factors, which produces a physiological defensive response. If this reaction results directly from the nature and intensity of the stimulus, the organism will return to its balance once the stimulus has disappeared. However, if the stress results, for example, from a tense situation in daily work, the imbalance, instead of subsiding, gradually deepens.

The current level of medical knowledge unambiguously indicates stress as one of the main triggers of the most dangerous modern-age diseases. It has been proven that stress weakens immunity and increases the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart diseases, digestive tract diseases and cancer. By raising the viscosity of blood, it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, promotes the development of depression, neuroses, anxiety, and sexual dysfunctions. People living in stress are more likely to become ill and recover slowly.

Chronic stress causes excessive sensitivity to external stimuli, irritability, distraction, concentration and memory disorders, fits of anxiety and insomnia, palpitations, headaches, and such digestive system disorders as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation.

How to prevent stress

Proper diet, adequate sleep (minimum 8 hours per day), good physical fitness and normal weight are factors that strengthen the mental immunity. Active leisure, indulging in a favorite hobby or meeting with friends has the same beneficial effect.

With the economic development of society, the growth of the pace of economic, social and cultural change, there is a growing emphasis on individual development and competition. Despite the high adaptability of man to the changing environment, excess accumulation of impulses distorts the inner balance, making most of us live under constant stress. It is worth paying attention to the prevention of stress and the ensuing diseases.

Sleep - sleep time should be adjusted to our personal needs, although the minimum is 8 hours of sleep per day. Prolonged cheating of the body with successive cups of coffee not only does not improve the concentration, but also increases the risk of disturbing the internal balance of the organism.

Leisure - the pursuit of personal interests relaxes and allows us to be occupied with pleasurable things and consequently enables us to look at the world around us from a different perspective. Active leisure activities, especially in the fresh air, are extremely beneficial to the widely understood health. We should not give up our own hobbies, putting off the pursuit of our dreams for some unspecified "tomorrow".

Family and friends - relationships with family and friends are the key to good mental health. Close, friendly contacts help us relax and improve our mood. Lonely people are more likely to suffer from stress-related ailments and are more prone to depression. Contacts with people we love and whose opinions we take into account, allow us to exchange views honestly, and also have a positive impact on our self-esteem. Let us remember that kindness and smile also help us maintain health, and cheerful people who often smile are less sick. Smiling people are well received by others and can generally expect their kindness to be returned.

Diet - The right diet is essential for maintaining both physical and mental health. The diet should include elements valuable for the nervous system, such as sea fish, nuts, whole wheat bread, honey, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is also important to pay attention to the intake of adequate amounts of fluids throughout the day, as statistically we drink too little water, which increases the susceptibility to fatigue.

Treatment of stress

The basic group of drugs for the treatment and prevention of stress and nervous tension are natural-derived formulations that use the synergistic effects of all ingredients. These formulations are definitely safer than strong sedative drugs and do not cause unwanted somnolence during the day, so they can be used on an independent basis in: nervous tension, anxiety, emotional palpitations, as well as distraction and difficulty in falling asleep.

The most important ingredients of natural sedatives:

Melissa (Melissa officinalis L.)

Melissa leaf is mildly sedative, is recommended in conditions of general nervous stimulation, insomnia, anxiety, difficulty in falling asleep, as well as in vegetative neuroses. Extract from melissa softens the digestive tract, supports liver function, has an antimicrobial effect and soothes inflammation.


The action of hops is based on the calming properties and ability to reduce tensions of smooth muscles. Hop is recommended in excessive irritability, difficulty in falling asleep, nervous exhaustion, hyperactivity and climacterium.

Golden root

It is an adaptogenic raw material that helps one cope with both physical and mental effort. It has been shown that its elements significantly improve mental performance and alleviate the destructive effects of stress. In folk medicine golden root is used to prevent fatigue and improve mood.

Magnesium and vitamin B6

It is one of the most valuable elements of the balance of the organism. It is involved in almost every physiological process of the organism, e.g. the processes of growth, regeneration, immunity, muscle work. Magnesium is also the most important micronutrient used by the central nervous system. It is essential in memory processes, concentration, and it also increases the immunity of the nervous system to external stimuli and alleviates the consequences of stress. Magnesium deficiency may lead to a greater susceptibility to stress, nervousness, feelings of fatigue, depression, and ensuing serious cardiovascular complications. In many formulations magnesium is accompanied by vitamin B6, which not only helps replenish the deficiency of this element, but also intensifies some of its effects. Vitamin B6 increases resistance to stress and relieves mood depression. Together with magnesium, it reduces hypersensitivity to stimuli and promotes emotional balance. Vitamin B6 deficiency causes irritability, frustration, and also contributes to the development of depression and insomnia. It is worth noting that both magnesium and vitamin B6 are quickly lost in stress, intense physical activity and regular drinking of coffee and alcohol.

What weakens the resistance to stress?

Stress resistance is decreased by: fatigue, too litte sleep and rest, low physical activity, abnormal diet. The deficiency of vitamins (mainly from the B group ), micronutrients (magnesium and selenium) and unsaturated fatty acids, excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine also make us more tired and susceptible to stress.

Take care of your loved ones

In the omnipresent haste we tend to forget or disregard our own needs, breaking all the rules of mental hygiene. We too often tend to forget about our relaxation and own pleasures, explaining this with a lack of time or sacrifice for others. However, we should remember that being tired and stressed, we can offer very little to our loved ones, because in such a condition we rather need their help and assistance.